By Isobel
- AZ-2-W
The last four years of my life of 58 have been full of events, all help- ing to make the new life I have today. During this four year transistion period my home and family disintegrated. I married off two daughters, my two sons left home (with my blessings) to make their own way. My wife obtained a divorce alleging mental cruelty as a legal excuse to cover her main argument that I wasn't able to support her financially, in the manner in which she wanted to live. Who could? She refused to bud- get (we'd been in debt all our married life) and we were going deeper in debt in spite of two reasonably good incomes. The truth was that she had found her seventh lover in 25 years of our marriage and our adult child- ren were aware of it. My two youngest children are only legally mine, with unknown fathers!
Just before the divorce I suffered a long, severe, physical illness that I have, just now, fully recovered from. So, two years ago. I moved out on my own and started to make a new life for myself. During this time, in addition to fighting the illness, I've paid off most of the joint bad debts, regaining an A-1 credit rating, founded a moderately successful non- profit science education association and at last have been able to ex- press my feminine side that I've had to suppress for 25 years of married life that offered no privacy or available money for buying the clothing and other needs for cross-dressing. Now I'm free, with a new career and a new life!
I first became aware of my feminine side 27 years ago. Newly mar- ried, my company transferred me to a similar job 150 miles from home. I went alone to the new town and soon located an apartment; the wife settled up our affairs and arrived a week later. When I rented the apart-